CHAP. 31. (6.)—SILVER.
After stating these facts, we come to speak of silver ore,
the next[1] folly of mankind. Silver is never found but in
shafts sunk deep in the ground, there being no indications to
raise hopes of its existence, no shining sparkles, as in the case
of gold. The earth in which it is found is sometimes red, sometimes
of an ashy hue. It is impossible, too, to melt[2] it, except
in combination with lead[3] or with galena,[4] this last being the
name given to the vein of lead that is mostly found running
near the veins of the silver ore. When submitted, too, to the
action of fire, part of the ore precipitates itself in the form of
lead,[5] while the silver is left floating on the surface,[6] like oil
on water.
Silver is found in nearly all our provinces, but the finest of
all is that of Spain; where it is found, like gold, in uncultivated
soils, and in the mountains even. Wherever, too, one
vein of silver has been met with, another is sure to be found
not far off: a thing that has been remarked, in fact, in the case
of nearly all the metals, which would appear from this circumstance
to have derived their Greek name of "metalla."[7] It
is a remarkable fact, that the shafts opened by Hannibal[8] in
the Spanish provinces are still worked, their names being derived
from the persons who were the first to discover them.
One of these mines, which at the present day is still called Bæbelo,
furnished Hannibal with three hundred pounds' weight of silver
per day. The mountain is already excavated for a distance of
fifteen hundred[9] paces; and throughout the whole of this
distance there are water-bearers[10] standing night and day,
baling out the water in turns, regulated by the light of torches,
and so forming quite a river.
The vein of silver that is found nearest the surface is known
by the name of "crudaria."[11] In ancient times, the excavations
used to be abandoned the moment alum[12] was met with, and no
further[13] search was made. Of late, however, the discovery of
a vein of copper beneath alum, has withdrawn any such limits
to man's hopes. The exhalations from silver-mines are dangerous
to all animals, but to dogs more particularly. The
softer they are, the more beautiful gold and silver are considered.
It is a matter of surprise with most persons, that lines
traced[14] with silver should be black.
1. In due succession to gold.
2. See B. xxxiv. cc. 17, 53.
3. "Plumbum nigrum"—"Black lead," literally: so called by the ancients,
in contradistinction to "plumbum album," white lead," our "tin,"
4. Lead ore; identified with "molybdæna" in B. xxxiv. c. 53. Native
sulphurate of lead is now known as "galena." See Beckmann's Hist. Inv.
Vol. II. p. 211, where this passage is commented upon.
5. This Beckmann considers to be the same as the "galena" above mentioned;
half-vitrified lead, the "glätte" of the Germans.
6. The specific gravity of lead is 11.352, and of silver only 10.474.
7. From the words met) a)/lla, "one after another."
8. It is supposed that these shafts were in the neighbourhood of Castulo,
now Cazlona, near Linares in Spain. It was at Castulo that Hannibal
married his rich wife Himilce; and in the hills north of Linares there are
ancient silver mines still known as Los Pozos de Anibal.
9. A mile and a half.
10. The proper reading here, as suggested by Sillig, is not improbably
"aquatini," "water-carriers." That, however, found in the MSS. is "Aquitani;"
but those were a people, not of Spain, but of Gaul. Hardouin suggests
that "Accitani" may be the correct reading, a people of that name
in Spain being mentioned in B. iii. c. 5.
11. Meaning "raw" silver, apparently.
12. "Alumen." See B. xxxv. c. 52.
13. Kircher speaks of this being still the case in his time.
14. See Chapter 19 of this Book.